It is clear to all parents that the expenses relating to minor children gets quite expensive over the course of the years. It is paramount when there is a divorce involving minor children, the parties must have a parenting plan that is clear with respect to how reimbursements for day care, afterschool activities, medical, dental, therapeutic, orthodontic, opthamologic, extra curricular activities and tutoring expenses are covered by both parties.
Every Parenting Plan should include a clear agreement with respect to reimbursements for insurance co-payments and prescription medications. There should also be specific timelines for the reporting and reimbursement of these expenses detailed in a Parenting Plan. At Segarra & Associates, P.A., we help assist you in getting a Parenting Plan that specifically outlines each parents duties and obligations with respect to expenses relating to your minor children.
Contact us for a consultation regarding your Parenting Plan and reimbursements. We are committed to giving your case our full attention and are available now to speak with you. Call us today. (305) 742-5042