A Motion to Enforce and / or Motion for Enforcement is a written request asking the court to enforce an order the court has previously entered. Some examples of court orders that could be the subject of enforcement include but are not limited to Orders:
- Regarding payment of child support or alimony;
- Pertaining to the timesharing schedule (weekday, weekend, school breaks, holidays);
- That require reimbursements relating to expenses for children for day care, tutoring extra curricular activities, insurance co-payments, medical expenses (e.g. braces), prescription medications and school supplies;
- That allow either party to tax the income tax deduction relating to the children;
- For the sale of real or personal property;
- Requiring a party to vacate a residence at a certain date.
It is the law in Florida that every child has the right to financial support from both parents until the age of 18, and that child support be paid on time and in the full amount. If a parent is not complying with a child support order, the law allocates various tools to make sure the parent pays the support. These include:
- Income Withholding Orders;
- New hire reporting;
- Driver, hunting and fishing license suspension;
- Intercept of income tax refunds;
- Intercept or seizure of assets Liens;
- Contempt of court;
- Arrest warrants.
The legal team at Segarra & Associates, P.A. has assisted many clients with enforcing court orders for timesharing and support payments. We have also defended people who are unable to comply with a court order after divorce and / or paternity action.
Contact us for a consultation regarding enforcement of orders. We are committed to giving your case our full attention and are available now to speak with you. Call us today. (305) 742-5042